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Cleaning Your Coffee Maker

We recommend using filtered water in coffee drinks, because tap water can quickly lead to mineral build up in your machine. This can greatly diminish the flavor of the coffee, often causing a metallic taste.



1.    Empty and rinse the carafe and dump out any coffee grounds left in the filter.

2.    Fill the water chamber to its full capacity with equal parts white vinegar and water.

3.    Start a brew cycle. Midway through the cycle, turn off the coffee maker and let it sit for an hour.

5.    After an hour, turn on the coffee maker and let the brew cycle finish.

6.    After the brew cycle has completed, pour out the vinegar-water solution.

7.    Fill the water chamber with filtered water (no vinegar). Run a whole new brew cycle.

8.    Repeat two more times, allowing your coffee maker to cool slightly between brews.

7.    Wash the carafe and filter basket in hot, soapy water.

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